
Showing posts from April, 2018

How Did You Use Media Technologies In The Construction & Research, Planning & Evaluation Stages?

RESEARCH Technology Used... Blogger (Publish my work) Google  Netflix/Sky Demand/Youtube (Watch Movies) Throughout my research, construction, planning and evaluation processes, I used the online blogging website called Blogger. This program allowed me to upload all work that I had completed in a blog format. This also was very helpful as my teachers could keep up to date with the progress that I was making throughout the 4 processes. The accessibility allowed my teachers to give me feedback by commenting on individual blog posts. I felt that this was a really efficient way of keeping my work up to date as well as being able to look over things that I have  covered as it was so accessible.  I used the search engine of Google - this is because it was automatically connected as I used Google Chrome to access the internet. It was a very reliable engine that sourced the correct information when looking at theories as well as the conventions on the horror film ...

What Have You Learnt From Your Audience Feedback?

After I created my film 'The Barn', I interviewed 3 people of different age groups, this was due to the fact that I wanted different age groups personal opinions and to see what I could have incorporated to try to achieve the biggest age group for my viewers. I interviewed... Jai Sharma - 19 - Student  Kenya Burns - 16 - Student  Jane Essam - 47 - Family Member 3 Key Questions I asked... What did you enjoy about my film? What did you not enjoy about the film? What would you have changed if you would have had a contribution? What did my audience enjoy about my film? All 3 interviewees said that they really enjoyed the fact that my film didn't have much dialogue, this was so then then as the audience to think/guess what might happen next in the film. I felt that this was a very positive response because I didn't abide by all the typical conventions of a horror film by including a lot of dialogue to each scene. This I thought was a risk a...

How Effective Is The Combination Of Your Main Product and Ancillary texts?

Part of my A2 Media Coursework was to make... Short Horror Film Film Poster Double Page Spread I chose my overall sub-genre of horror to be supernatural, this was because I enjoy watching the films like Insidious, The Conjuring & Annabelle. I like the supernatural feel of the scenes with the presence of a spirit or creature. I analysed these types of supernatural type of films so the I could interpret the codes and conventions into my own productions. All 3 products are all closely linked, this is to create continuity throughout. They all combine closely together to advertise and show off my film production. Before designing my front cover and my Double Page Spread, I wanted to wait until my film was filmed & edited and ready for uploading. This was due to the fact that i didn't want to create my ancillary tasks and then they didn't fit with the film's brand and  didn't link to my films genre. By waiting, it meant that I was able to use a scree...

In What Ways Does Your Media Product Use, Develop Or Challenge Forms & Conventions Of Real Media Products?

Within my Short film 'The Barn', I decided to stay within the normal conventions of a horror film. This was so then i could definitely convey to the audience that my film was of the horror genre. I used the normal conventions of fright, panic, to cause a dread alarm to captivate and entertain the audience in a liberating experience. I didn't want to create a gory type of horror with fake blood and cuts, this was partly due to the fact that as i'm not skilled in that field, they may not look realistic. This is turn could make my film comical due to the fake cuts. I wanted to convey the supernatural genre throughout my film. I replicated close up views of the 'ghost just like the Conjuring 3 with the nun figure. This was to create fear to the audience as the close up shot lets them see their facial appearance (pale, lifeless skin)   = I used the normal conventional of a subernatuural horror - this was where the location where the film is set, is very da...

Sound - The Barn

Below is a list of the different sound effects that I used throughout the Short film - these are all Non-Diegetic Sounds (Characters cant hear) I used an horror ambient clip when introducing the scene to the audience - this was due to the fact that the music was very dark and slow, I over lapped it with the same ambient when the whole of the sign was visible. This was to emphasise that the sign was something very significant about the short film. As the couple approached in their car, I used the Traffic sound effect, this was because it sounded like the car moving as I didn't want it to be quiet. Throughout the POV shots, I wanted to emphasise that there was something looking down on the couple as they approached the property - the giggle seemed very innocent, but also very scary at the same time. As I didnt want to use much dialogue within my short film, i emphasised events like the couple getting out the car and walking to the estate agent ...

Editing - The Barn

Continuity Editing Continuity editing is the process, in film and video creation, of combining more-or-less related shots, or different components cut from a single shot, into a sequence so as to direct the viewer's attention to a pre-existing consistency of story across both time and physical location. Events in chronological order and is the most common/commercial editing style because of its linear progression. It emphasises real-time movement of narrative and creates a sense of realism.  Entering the Property Viewing the Property Leaving the Property Returning back after signing & sorting out the renting agreement  Sorting out the rubble left behind Ghost Appears Escaping from the Ghost Leaving Property & Hitting Ghost Ellipsis The removal of part of the narrative to speed up the action. I used this when the character said she was going up the stairs - I cut out the walking to the stairs & climbi...