How Did You Use Media Technologies In The Construction & Research, Planning & Evaluation Stages?
RESEARCH Technology Used... Blogger (Publish my work) Google Netflix/Sky Demand/Youtube (Watch Movies) Throughout my research, construction, planning and evaluation processes, I used the online blogging website called Blogger. This program allowed me to upload all work that I had completed in a blog format. This also was very helpful as my teachers could keep up to date with the progress that I was making throughout the 4 processes. The accessibility allowed my teachers to give me feedback by commenting on individual blog posts. I felt that this was a really efficient way of keeping my work up to date as well as being able to look over things that I have covered as it was so accessible. I used the search engine of Google - this is because it was automatically connected as I used Google Chrome to access the internet. It was a very reliable engine that sourced the correct information when looking at theories as well as the conventions on the horror film ...