What Have You Learnt From Your Audience Feedback?

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After I created my film 'The Barn', I interviewed 3 people of different age groups, this was due to the fact that I wanted different age groups personal opinions and to see what I could have incorporated to try to achieve the biggest age group for my viewers.

I interviewed...

Jai Sharma - 19 - Student 
Kenya Burns - 16 - Student 
Jane Essam - 47 - Family Member

3 Key Questions I asked...

What did you enjoy about my film?
Image result for thumb up and downWhat did you not enjoy about the film?
What would you have changed if you would have had a contribution?

What did my audience enjoy about my film?

All 3 interviewees said that they really enjoyed the fact that my film didn't have much dialogue, this was so then then as the audience to think/guess what might happen next in the film. I felt that this was a very positive response because I didn't abide by all the typical conventions of a horror film by including a lot of dialogue to each scene. This I thought was a risk as my audience may not have understood the story that was set due to the lack of dialogue which would have helped to show this. 1 of the audience said that they liked that I kept all the my filming inside was kept dark as it replicated that evil was living within the darkness. This was very positive for myself as this is what I tried to portray through my other products of my Poster and my DPS.

What did my audience not enjoy about my film?

Some said that they didn't like how some scenes were very dark, this was because they couldn't see which characters were present at that point. They also wished that id used more scenes that shown the ghost/creature so then it could have become more scarier throughout. The quality of some scenes outside wasn't very clear due to the lack of light as well as the quality of the camera filming. Due to budgeting being out of my control, I just used my own photography camera - I couldn't afford to buy a better quality camera or lens.

What would my audience have changed if they had a contribution?

Suggestions were made of potentially adding more action and ghosty scenes into the movie to create more anxiety for the audience (not letting character escape out of barn straight away - keep her locked in there). Also by changing the ending slightly by adding another shot of a car to make the car crash seem more realistic.


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