Super Natural Horror Movies

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Conventions of a Supernatural Horror Film - Insidious/Annabelle

Typical Settings?
Image result for insidious

Supernatural horrors tend to be mainly set in a big house in America, just like Insidious as it is set in a friendly type of neighbourhood. This set location makes it seem as if nothing will happen due to the busy type of location where there are neighbours to help. These type of horror genre films make it seem as if its actually real life because of its normal and casual environment (neighbourhood).

Normal Characters Involved?

Image result for insidious
Just like Insidious, the typical characters included in this type of genre is either a couple, or a 'perfect' family which then involves younger innocent children. Other characters that are involved at demons which are the ones who take other certain peoples bodies during the film. This genre also normally includes priests or a religious person who attempts to settle the demon of its haunting and tries to remove its demon spirits from within the house hold.

Typical Plots?

Image result for crucifix horrorThe most niiave child of the so called 'perfect' family usually becomes possessed and is then involved into the ghostly activity performed in the family home. The deaths are normally the link to the supernatural demon creature that is featured within the films. After deaths occurs, the last few characters are normally involved in a religious use to get rid of the demonic creature found within the household. Either a priest or a very religious person normally will use the typical crucifix as well as a mythical saying to try & kill the demon & release it from the childs soul/body.


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